PC vs. Console

                             I believe that the PC is much better than a Console for three reasons. Number 1: Better graphics. Number 2: Better gameplay. And Number 3: More abilities.           “It’s no longer possible for a console to be a better or more capable graphics platform than the PC,” says NVIDIA VP. NVIDIA spends more than…

The Xbox One

The Xbox One This brand new Next-Gen console is exciting and has many brand new features included with it. Microsoft has introduced, not just a gaming console, but a console for the full entertainment experience for the whole family. The Xbox One emphasizes on the movies and T.V. service which are both included. Microsoft has…

Mr. Birch

Mr. Birch Mr. Birch has always wanted to teach, he had the idea of what all teachers want, to be the greatest teacher. He told me that ever since he was a kid, he had wanted to be a fun, creative teacher who could inform kids about all subjects, but wanted to make them want…

PlayStation 4

Research paper PlayStation 4 The PlayStation 4 has eight person chat rooms that stay connected no matter what each of those eight party members is doing on their own PS4, This technically means groups can jump from game to game whenever need be, keeping friends together in the process. That eight person limitation is only…

smart watches

When he first thought of what would become the Pebble smart watch five years ago, as an industrial-design student at Delft University of Technology in the Nether­lands, Eric Migicovsky wanted a way to use his smart phone while on his bicycle so he created a prototype in his dorm. “I thought of creating a watch…

iPhone 5s

From all technology to build on and improve on the iPhone, Apple has created the all new iPhone 5s. Based off the older version of the iPhone 4s, the iPhone 5s has been a big improvement overall. Apple has been always looking forward for further improvement on the iPhone. The new iPhone5s has all new…

Smart watches

Research paper SMART watches: When he first thought of what would become the Pebble smart watch five years ago, as an industrial-design student at Delft University of Technology in the Nether­lands, Eric Migicovsky wanted a way to use his smart phone while on his bicycle so he created a prototype in his dorm. “I thought…

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