There is a lot of discussion about the civil war in Syria right now. According to “” The war started when the revolution in Tunisia announced the start of the “Arab Spring.” This caused violence in Daraa, Syria during March of 2011. “” says that the casualty mark is over sixty thousand. That’s more than…

Meteorite Hits Russia!

Meteorite Rush             On February 15, 2013 a meteorite lit up the sky of Russia’s Ural Mountain area. Russian citizens believed that it was judgment day. This event has impacted many people, by the injuries it has caused to people, the meteorite fragments that many people are scurrying to find, and where most people are…

Mr. Decker

Mr. Decker loved to play sports and build Legos as a child. He mainly rode bikes and wrestled when he was around the age of nine. His main hobby was to collect baseball and football cards, which he still has. When he was a teenager his favorite things to do were play sports, such as…

Mrs. Fromang

Mrs. Fromang is one of the coolest teachers I know. She has worked in the school district for 21 years. But that is not the half of it. She was also born in San Diego, California. She loves helping kid’s because she likes being able to work with students, watch them become successful, and meet…

Project Icarus

Project Icarus is a British planned spacecraft that will, on a much later date, send probes and Satellite to stars that are light-years away! This project is just now poking its head out of the planning and concept stage so it is unlikely we will see this craft in all of its glory until 2030…

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