Mrs. Gunn Interview

Having returned to Fruita 8/9 to fill in for Mrs. Lipson’s class, I have interviewed (mostly) Math teacher Mrs. Gunn.   What was the coolest thing that you ever did as a kid? She states, “I spent hours every week studying and doing ballet, it was my passion.”   What was the worst thing that…

Weight Lifting Supplements

In the bodybuilding world there are many ways to get bigger faster. Some people take steroids to get bigger and stronger. Some people like to take a healthier and legal way of getting bigger and stronger these people will use weight lifting supplements. Some of the supplements people use is Creatine, Protein Powder, and multivitamins.…

Would you rather be in a relationship or single? In my study people would rather be single then be in a relationship. I surveyed 20 people and in the data it said 12 people would like to be single. 8 people said they like to be in a relationship. But if I would have done…

Big Mac Vs. Whopper

I t may seem weird to compare which fast food burger is the best. So which one of these sandwiches is better? Some say that Burger King’s Whopper is way better than McDonalds Big Mac. The fast food companies spend millions on advertising trying to convince the people that they have the better burger or…

Dominos Vs Pizza Hut

                Pizza huts pizza is greasy and its meat is more salty some reviews say that there is no taste to the pizza and the topping are like rubber and there cheese is amzing with how gooey It is. High in fat and calorie content, should be eaten in moderation but if your looking for…

IPhone 5 VS. Galaxy S 3

The IPhone 5 has a number of great features. One of the IPhone 5’s SIRI simply blows the Samsung Galaxy S 3’s voice commands out of the water. Apple’s IPhone 5 has another feature that is much better than the Galaxy’s, it’s the Panorama Camera. The IPhone 5 is thinner, sleeker and lighter than the…

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