
My Bibliography this week is going to be on interviewing a teacher at my school, Fruita 8/9. The teacher I am choosing to interview is Mrs. Willms, Mrs. Willms teaches geophysical science for 9th graders. Mrs. Willms science class goes over many subjects such as chemical reactions and many other fun things such as subjects…

Mr.Mckee Biography

This week I am writing a biography on one of our F8/9 teachers, Mr.Mckee. Mr.Mckee teaches human geography, Law ed, and also service learning. He has been here for one year. He also coaches football at Palisade. Teaching is a hard job and takes a lot of work, but Mr.Mckee is a great teacher and…

Top Three Football Teams

During this year of football all the teams are doing pretty well but there are some that are doing better than others score wise and fan popularity wise. The top most favorable professional football teams are the Denver Broncos, the New Orleans Saints, and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Denver broncos, being the top rated…


Lacrosse was invented by the Native Americans in the early 1600s and is one of many varieties of war games played by Native Americans to prepare for battle. There were three types of lacrosse played by the Native Americans, one of which is played with two, two and a half foot long sticks held in…


There are many views on getting tattoos, in which some of those views are positive and negative. Research has been shown to the British Sociological Association and they found that “no matter how intelligent and articulate a job applicant is, if they have a visible tattoo, most would-be employers will secretly rule them out as…

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